1.What are you asking me to do?
First and foremost, we are asking you to pray and seek God’s leading. Prioritize attending the Sunday Worship Services and prepare your heart to listen to God’s Word, taking time to reflect on the messages that you hear each week Talk with your family and friends about what the Lord is revealing to you. Mark your calendar for Investment Sunday on October 16, making plans to be part of this special Worship Service to celebrate how the Lord is working in and through us, and worship
with our offerings. We trust that the Lord will direct on how he is calling you, personally, to make a sacrificial investment. We also ask you to prepare to be amazed. We trust that the Lord is working in your life, in our church, and in our community, and we look forward in faith to the tremendous impact that He will
make through our investments.
2. What is the ‘right amount’ for me to give, or for us to give as a family?
The ‘right amount’ is the amount that God places on your heart to sacrificially give. Your investment is a response in worship. The Apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 that “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
3. What if I can’t afford to give right now?
GENERATIONS is about your total, radical, sacrificial generosity to God’s mission in and through Resurrection Life Church. We believe that God calls us to give in times of hardship just as much as he does in times of abundance, and what that looks like with be different for every person and family. We trust that God will direct all of us, calling us to surrender our lives completely in the area of giving and see that it is not something that he wants from us, but something that he
wants for us. Sacrificial giving may mean being challenged to sell things, cut back in certain areas of spending, or even to trust God in faith by making an investment that you don’t quite know how to fulfill right now, but that you believe God will provide for as you seek. We going for 100% participation in the GENERATIONS campaign so that we can all be supporting, loving, encouraging, and praying for one another.
4. How were the design decisions for these plans made?
With the primary focus on Phase 1 of a multi-phase vision we chose to design a new 1500 seat worship center, a “third space” with an info center, CKM check in, Resource Center, Café, and children’s play-zone, and a children’s wing with kids classrooms and adult classrooms and a 300 seat auditorium. We selected architect Greg Wallace of Wallace-Taylor designs out of West Monroe, LA . Using the information gathered from all our pastors, staff, leaders, and the congregation from meetings, discussion groups, and surveys, the team created designs and plans that meet the needs and goals outlined, and best serve the mission of our church and individual ministry areas.
5. Why didn’t we build a Youth Building and Administration Building too?
Having prayed intensely and having many discussions with our Elders, Pastoral Staff, Advisory Board we decided that our priority was to have a multi-phase building vision with the Worship Center, Third Space and Children’s wing being the first phase.
6. Can we raise the much money above our annual budget needs?
Evangelical churches typically raise around two to three times their annual giving in a financial campaign. After conducting a feasibility study with our congregation information, consulting with our campaign advisors, and reviewing our full financial picture with projected planning, design, construction, and long-term costs, the Elders and Advisory Board prayerfully considered and approved the goal. We believe that through radical generosity and sacrificial giving, we can move forward the vision.
7. Will giving to the GENERATIONS campaign have a negative effect on funding for any current ministry areas?
We do not expect the campaign to have an adverse effect on our normal operating or mission budgets as all giving investments towards the GENERATIONS campaign are made over and above regular giving. Historically, churches do not experience decreases in regular giving during a campaign as the overall focus on stewardship and opportunity to grow in our understanding of generosity stirs individuals and families to consider the total picture of their giving and be more intentional in both their regular offerings and campaign investments.
8. What is an Investment Card?
The GENERATIONS Investment Card is where you can indicate what you plan to give over the three-year campaign period, with options for how and over what schedule you have prayerfully decided to contribute. This card is vital, informing us of what to expect and how to wisely plan expenditures. When the time comes to begin giving, a number of methods are available (giving online, by check, automatic checking withdrawal, etc.) with options for stocks and non-cash gifts as well.
For specific questions about giving methods, please contact Todd Goodwin or Jenny Pinson in the Church Office at or
9. Will I be able to change my 3-year investment if I need to?
Of course! Unforeseen circumstances in the future may cause you to want to increase or decrease your giving investment. At any time during the 36-month period, you can review or change your investment.
10. When do we expect construction to begin and finish?
The earliest that we anticipate being ready to “break ground” with new construction is this December 2022 and according to our General Contractor the building should be complete sometime in Spring of 2024. However, this is dependent on many unpredictable circumstances that are out of our control, Mid-Summer may be more considerable.
11. Who will be constructing the building?
We have chosen to use S & B Construction as our general contractor out of Indianapolis, IN. William Cooper the owner is originally from West Monroe, LA as well as our architect. We didn’t plan this but it was interesting how it came about. For more about S&B Construction visit their website at
12. Will our church people have an opportunity to help in the building process?
Absolutely. We will work with S&B as to what areas we can help, i.e. hanging sheet-rock, painting, etc… All local sub-contractors will be vetted by S&B to maintain consistence and adhere to local building codes.
13. How will it affect our current ministries?
We don’t foresee any disruption to any of our current ministries. No, significant ministry change will take place. We will communicate the schedule and update the congregation on the progress throughout the investment and building phases, through the RLM Minute, Sunday services and through the website,
14. Where can I direct other questions that I have about the campaign?
Email or call 601-798-4511 with your questions and we’ll direct them to our pastoral and campaign teams.